Stop Believing in Pete

I poured over darwin and jane goodall. Ernest Hemingway and Bettina Aptheker from the coliseum to stonehenge, today is pete hegseths tribunal for manager of the dept of defense, as if it matters who's in charge there, where the president has a remote office, just like at the cia.

Why do we care? Where does pete hegseth fit in the scheme of right and wrong, democracy and total authoritarianism? 

It's just an intellectual exercise. A game. It's like arguing the rules of war. Or international law. Nothing moves slower than moral persuasion, except maybe glaciation.

If the idea is to prevent another Hiroshima, My Lai, Wounded Knee, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Oct 7th, Sudan, before the atrocity happens, then where is that solution? Israel is the perfect example of the institutionalized hubris of the modern nations and LA fires is the perfect example of the neglect that institutionalized hubris causes.

Stop Thinking. We are the original AI. If AI is the intelligence of non-experience, that is, if we're going to invest our being into a false type of experience because of the fear generated by knowing (and believing) every possible threat and fear of the future is imminent, then we become paralyzed.

Free the incarcerated firefighters. Why is it so difficult to do the right thing? It shouldn't be democratic nor republican. 

Get rid of eternal punishment. They are not gods and criminals who pay the punishment price shouldn't have to have the letter "C" stamped across their resumes. 

Stop believing in the President. If he (or if it she) were god, would we believe in its existence. No, we would have our doubts.

 It's OK, isnt it, to believe you're smarter than the constitution or whatever belief system you were raised under that justified your killing someone or having someone else kill someone for you?

The constitution is no more than the ten commandments for nation states, which need some authority to pre-empt the emptiness of the ten commandments.

And look at what happened with the ten commandments. Adam and Eve got thrown out of the Garden of Eden, Cain killed his brother Abel, Noah took his sons wives to bed to repopulate the earth and every god fearing wanna be human made their own version (religion), from the first pope, first king, first follower, first Utah messiah.

The first savior, Jesus Christ, was the first big loser because he never wrote a book nor tablet, but, unfortunately for him and for us, we got a whole mess of ghost writers and worse, tyrants and misanthropes who distrust and hate the human race but at the same time think they are exempt.

Stop believing in all this fairy tale and fear mongering. Anyone who believes that a Virgin Mother wouldn't have been either stoned or banished and who's son rose again from the dead, the entire family a coven. In order to be fair, our entire history, in the world, rome, greece, norway, africa, and asia, and america, is based on the so-called chronicling of events that supposedly have improved our condition. Jesus, Mohammed, all the popes, kings, and emperors (and billionaires) have come to us either as felons or naked as jaybirds, and we've dressed them up in our minds like Barbies to fit our presumptuous illusions of who we think we are.

Everytime we take a bite to eat, drink, sit on the toilet we need to remind ourselves that we are no different than the worst of us, that we are no better than the worst of us, so quit contemplating who to blame for whatever is happening to you. All these "monsters' who believe in their right to not only exist but to determine who else should exist will get the same come uppence as we will. History may look as if Biden, Netanyahu, Putin, or Musk, as examples but certainly not all, will come out smelling like roses, but in the end, they'll just leave the same rubble and destruction  in front of us as Hadrian, Charlemagne, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Hitler, as examples, but certainly not all, and who among them, do we actually care about nowadays anyway?

Take a trip to the middle East or Turkey and see the ruins and rubble created by all the great religions and conquerors of the past. 


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