
Fwd: Im not afraid of donald trump

I'm not afraid of donald trump. I do believe he won't be elected nov 5 2024 but if he is, the implementation of Plan 2025, which seems to be the main fear of progressives and liberals in america these days, and who seem to be willing to vote for kamala harris, plugging their israel-hamas genocidal war from their mind, in order to save themselves from the fascist master plan, 2025. I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen of that leisure class, we, americans, already had slavery, native genocide, cointelpro, the Patriot Act, the media exposure of iraqi war lies, pentagon papers, wikileaks, and now actual support for atrocities and mayhem in the middle east, putting us on the edge of another war we, as americans, will feel guilty about but do nothing about. Fear and guilt is the mainstream american nightmare. Despite all that, is it truly worth wasting a vote on that fear. I'm only saying that if you can't vote your conscience, then why vote at all. Let the ignorant win, if

Lessor of Two Evils is NOT a choice anyone should have to make

Two state solution Well, it seems whoever we got, the threat remains the same. Progressive people say we're living in dangerous times. Even regular people say it. Why? It appears that gazans are living in dangerous times but not us. We have the choice and no matter how many chose the two-state solution over the last seventy years no one here did enough to make that possible. It's always been dangerous times there. It's always been dangerous times, believing in the two-state solution is like believing in santa claus, easter bunny, or werewolves. And if anyone still believes in it, they are truly absurdist. There will be no freedom from pain in gaza. This election will demonstrate the weakness of the great democratic dream. We are a third-rate country. We just have big guns, just like the militias, terrorists, cartels, police that control the people in the third world with threats, murder, and civil war. Remember, no matter who wins, the racist a

Race, Class, Hate, Coming Together

  Posted Nov 15, 2016 Another Example of What Comes Around, Stays Around I'm Forwarding this to the blog as an intelligent precursor to the type of discussions that must prevail if progressive americans are going to finally lead anyone away from what the media, political parties and haters and what they want us to believe. The next revolution will be more about who we are as human beings, our commonality, our desire to love and simply raise our children, love our partners, and do the work we want and need to do in order to be a part of this society. tb      For those who don't know Andre Taylor: his older brother  Che Taylor was killed by Seattle police last February , and shortly after that Andre founded the Seattle group  Not This Time . Here are Andre's very wise thoughts in brief: " [People say about Trump supporters]  They don't like Black people. They want Latinos gone... Well, I reject that idea. I'm insulted, really, by that idea, especially from what w

Another example pf American Media's Shameless Propaganda Ploys

From 2016 Has anyone ever heard of Willets Point? American business and politicians respond to blight, homeless, and business failures, throwing money away. There must be more of these, I betcha. I always wonder what happened to Americas ghettoes and industrial stagnation, do you?  

What Comes Around, Goes Around, Again

  written October 2016 One thing about this election and at least one of the candidates, maybe you can guess who it is, is who 's behind him. Oh, I know there lots of people out there frustrated not only with the political process, I don't know how you can't be, but many people who probably haven't cared who or what, except for criticism of Obama, immigrants, and Muslims, but also who have been patiently waiting for the King, any King, or Queen( Sarah Palin) to want to become President. The establishment parties are certainly rocking since people who traditionally voted independent or not at all have decided to play a part. I wonder though about who is supporting Trump, that is, not monetarily but militarily. Since he's shown many faces, I wonder who his faces will be as his staff. I've seen his spokespeople, and they are as amorphous as the rest of the other candidate's spokespersons. In the meantime, America looks about as vulnerable as ever, its weaknesse

Those who believe

Those who believe they're successful because of the powerful and inspiring voices of their parents saying, "you can be whatever you want," appealing to magical incantations of hope, to become the chosen ones. Immigrants are nothing but new settlers, new plymouth rocks or jamestowns, bringing not hope but old religions and false beliefs to the country that wishes it could be free but isnt. The little country that could try evolving to the glutton that would grow beyond its borders, to expand beyond the simplicity of peace and prosperity, to lose everything to the belief might makes right and right is mighty blind, deaf, and mean. Welcome you all to hell on earth. Come and appeal your cause. Politics is nothing but the management of resources through working for what you can pay for as determined by the owners of those resources. That's all. Not about what fools think god wants, what presidents want, what billionaires want. It's about wha

The new blind men

 It appears that for the first time the content you can't read is a prose poem/rant that was written long ago about the stifling of life by the armies of the night, our own governments, taking our freedoms from the moment we are born. A complaint was made by one of those lessor blind men, or I suppose, a woman, who are trying to pretend we are a nation of freedom loving souls but first we have to cull out what freedoms we want to promote. I am an anti-fascist, an anti-authoritarian, and ever since i was seventeen standing around in the war room of intelligence/op-plans i have not recognized the right of the United States to be the Supreme Leader of the world. Today it fosters genocide and colonialism in the mid-east. Two centuries ago, it fostered genocide and colonialism (both forms of slavery and white supremacy) within its own changing borderlines. In between centuries, America.