Fwd: Im not afraid of donald trump
I'm not afraid of donald trump. I do believe he won't be elected nov 5 2024 but if he is, the implementation of Plan 2025, which seems to be the main fear of progressives and liberals in america these days, and who seem to be willing to vote for kamala harris, plugging their israel-hamas genocidal war from their mind, in order to save themselves from the fascist master plan, 2025. I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen of that leisure class, we, americans, already had slavery, native genocide, cointelpro, the Patriot Act, the media exposure of iraqi war lies, pentagon papers, wikileaks, and now actual support for atrocities and mayhem in the middle east, putting us on the edge of another war we, as americans, will feel guilty about but do nothing about. Fear and guilt is the mainstream american nightmare. Despite all that, is it truly worth wasting a vote on that fear. I'm only saying that if you can't vote your conscience, then why vote at all. Let the ignorant win, if