Money and Other News

Latest News- Assad goes away, so is another afghanistan on the way? More on that later but now, it's mostly about money

Liberals and progressives are again in a self-created conumdrum. The trump presidency which includes his appointments are about to attempt to dismantle the federal government we love to hate but its like rescuing your drunken parent from further harm but with no cure insight. We'd rather continue on with not a wounded beast which america likes to imagine itself but a really, nearly worthless concept that has been perverted, corrupted, self-destructive, and downright a lying, sociopathic nation for hundreds of years, ever since it rewrote the rules for genocide (supremacy) and slavery (ownership).

But i come to bury Caesar, not to kill it.

Recently, i experienced the death of my sister. Other than my parents, no one in my immediate family had experienced a long term terminal illness as her disease progressed through two years of treatments, meds, some good results and mostly, a slow path to death dying.

My sister was an original cat lady, childless, independent, a feminist, a good person but like everyone she worked and put her money aside, planning long term for retirement and healthy longevity.

She would say that was her deepest regret, not having lived as long as our mother and father. She loved life but she also remembered her family so left beneficiaries to her assets and thats the part the rest of her family began to understand what all that entails.

It's all about money and the politics of money. My sister had pension plans, money market, iras, and stocks in her "portfolio" of her planned use of that money. This portfolio is representative of how many unions, middle class professionals, and working people who think about retirement at some point, utilize their wages for daily living and hopefully, for some sort of retirement, a future unseen, yet attainable.

In the past, say fifty years ago, people had savings accounts, put pennies in jars, or stashed cash under the mattress. Essentially, there was nothing wrong with that but banks could not control a savings account where the saver has immediate access to their savings so over time, banks and the corporations dependent on them for big loans determined through the political process, i.e. Legislation, bank regulations etc, lowered savings account interest in lieu of providing different long term types of accounts in the form of cd's, ira's, long term bonds etc that offered higher interest but less accessibility by having penalties on needing the money before its term was completed.

Pension plans looked at this type of planning and began to offer long range pre-tax savings on the premise that social security would probably not be enough in the future of workers to sustain a proper retirement.

Social security, a government supported retirement plan, is regulated by tax dollars and federal government sustenance. It is only "natural" that social security would come under continued attack because of its federal basis, especially from corporations as they began to control legislative outcomes regarding money regulation- through profit, banking, and other economic factors.

The citizens united supreme court decision in 2010 put the nail in the coffin for any pursuit to strengthen a more equitable money/economic system sustained by the federal government.

Advertisement-I declare martial law in order to protect the free and democratic republic of south korea from the threat of pro communist and oppositional forces while at the same time those oppositional forces such as the national assembly which the opposition controls, came out in opposition to that declaration. (South Korean president redefining 'free')

Money, of course, controls our lives. If there is any other "issue" that plays a central part of our living, i dont know what it is. The exchange of work for the essentials of survival is universal, whether implied by any social community or regulated as in modern nation states that over the centuries have deveoped  quite a complex system of obtaining, storing, and redistributing money, usually through banks, stocks and various markets connected to long term money storage, including social security and private retirement accounts.

FLASH people may wonder why journalists everywhere, even in poor, unorganized dictatorships, are first targets for suppression is that journalists and others gathering information, universities, are holding the technology for gathering information in their phones and computers which connect them to outside information. This connection to information through phones and computers and access to worldwide information and social media are all vulnerable to extraction for spy, commercial, and other politically motivated purposes.

Back to MONEY. It is what unites us but, more importantly, it's also what divides us. America is a high octane crime syndicate. Don't you ever wonder what happened to the organized crime syndicates that used to run the "hard" crime but, like at the end of mario puzos novel and movie, the godfather, the bosses say, " let the blacks, browns run the street, we'll control the judges, politicians, and, lo and behold, that's what it looks like. And if something looks like a duck, walks like a duck, it is a duck.

So we give our money to the government, some more than others but where we are the same is, we dont really have control of what the government does with it. Under democrats, republicans will tell you, our money goes for social services not just here but abroad as well in the form of defending us with warfare and defending corporations( globalization) abroad. Citizens united was clintons, as well as the beginnings of globalization. The mortgage crisis wasn't obamas but he did everything to protect the banks and corporations who had brought the economy to its knees. Payouts. Whereas under republicans, democrats will tell you, they're all for cutting the 'social' waste the democrats have hanging around in order to look all social justice and equanimity.

Mainly it's the extremes who believe all the rhetoric that communists are at our doorstep and culture lovers are mixing up the races. The society, which can be defined as all that by which we love and hate, can barely keep up with all the individual complaints, like who should have a library card or how to go to the bathroom in public places.

The owners of everything keep tightening the noose around ordinary people who always seem make the wrong decision at the polls simply because BIG MONEY always trumps the truth here.

What about the toll our freedoms have paid over the past generations?

FLASH palestinians are being used as rats in a laboratory of not hate, but revenge. Gaza is not hamas, gaza is not a battlefield. It is an open-air acceptable experimental suppression of human rights, vulnerable to ideology such as zionism.


I have simple tastes in freedom. I'd rather own a gun and the right to self-defense than run around shouting about the defense of israel or ukraine and before that, iraq, afghanistan, vietnam, all conflicts that sucked lives from our families and perhaps, destroyed millions of uninvolved innocent families and citizens of those countries. Trillions of dollars went into those losing efforts. Losing efforts because we are not any safer after the russian revolution, after world war 1 and 2, after vietnam, after 911, after iraq, afghanistan, ukraine, or israels genocide. If nothing else, american supremacy ideology has created the stage for its own destruction at the hands of its own vengeful producing actions.

One of the arguments in the supreme court argument to treat trans people the same under the law as all other sex discrimination cases. Ironically, it is Tennessee, the arbiter of anti-evolutionary theory, producing more nonscientific evidence in order to achieve some nonspecific moral, religious environment.

Lastly, About Money

Some final personal conclusions about money. The banks, pension plans, government, ira's,  want to take your money and make their own profit from it, which means for the progressive, middle class person, black or white, gender based, charity giving, rights complainer is merely singing in the rain, dancing up the walls about their politics because unless you've taken control of your right to divestiture and right to claim what's left of your work, then it's all for naught.

If you don't want a free for all, bloody type revolution, which all freedom loving people do not want, then take back your WORK, divest, resist, CHANGE Yourself, and if you think you'll be the only one, then don't do anything, and its guaranteed you'll be alone when you least want to be.

This near future government will be composed of many billionaires, openly disdainful of all of us. It didn't come about overnight, or even since 2016, they've never paid their fair share of taxes, they and their less monied cohorts have always wanted to take what every working person earns and turn it into either a technological advantage or a warning to their enemies.

It should be no surprise that within my lifetime, which encompasses most of history since ww2, it's been no coincidence that any "choice" of alternative economic, cultural freedom loving system has not survived. You'd think that a culture that pats itself on the back about its diversity, would actually be diverse.

We're all on the Titanic, whether you're in the lower deck or upper, it's where mother nature grinds down the so called perfect technological nightmare, all based on their need and greed to MONEY.

Batten down the hatches, matey!

Sent from my iPad


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