Those who believe

Those who believe they're successful because of the powerful and inspiring voices of their parents saying, "you can be whatever you want," appealing to magical incantations of hope, to become the chosen ones.

Immigrants are nothing but new settlers, new plymouth rocks or jamestowns, bringing not hope but old religions and false beliefs to the country that wishes it could be free but isnt.

The little country that could try evolving to the glutton that would grow beyond its borders, to expand beyond the simplicity of peace and prosperity, to lose everything to the belief might makes right and right is mighty blind, deaf, and mean.

Welcome you all to hell on earth. Come and appeal your cause.

Politics is nothing but the management of resources through working for what you can pay for as determined by the owners of those resources. That's all. Not about what fools think god wants, what presidents want, what billionaires want. It's about what you actually want, need, or cherish. It's nothing about GREED.

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