
Evolution is darwins scientific observation. Physical changes measured or compared over a period of time.

What it doesn't do is measure intelligence or emotional or spiritual changes or responses. 

We are the ones who ascertain the ability to create and use technology as the intellectual development guide, thus drawing the line between us and the natural world. All the fears from the natural world we borrow from each other draw the lines further between us and the unseen world, the spiritual world.

Yet, we can't separate ourselves completely and those of us who have less technology, less security from the natural world relies more on the spiritual world to protect ourselves not only from what natural world consequences there are but from those who fear the natural world and use technology to smother the natural world.

Science fiction tells us we are capable of doing anything if we can think or believe or hope it's possible. Hope is the spiritual aspect of this type of thinking. If we hope something could be true, then we tap into both the spiritual and natural world. Intervention, by technology or belief, becomes the mainstay of progress. We see no end to possibilities. We believe we are gods, or we are gods little army. God and we become interchangeable.

We don/t want to see ourselves as animal, flesh, bone, until we are pressed to the edge of dying. And then everything we lived for, hoped for but never got, is gone.

We are insatiable until that happens. Like ants, like beasts, like armies of revenge, hell bent on desire, addicted to hope, devoid of truth, we stand impoverished.

Sent from my iPad


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