
Its not news

The continual local and national news programs that believe that consumerism, product display, and promotions for shops, restaurants, and events are news.

Neither is dedicating two full days to the travails of a political prisoner in egypt at the international cop27 oil lobby conference in cairo egypt by democracy now. 

The main problem with the type of news that caters to human interest news is that it plays to general authoritarian silence of news relevant to the major national and international policies which influence common people in any nation. There is a belief fostered in authoritarian cultures that what happens in government/national policy making are not interesting nor relevant to common citizens.

Yes, we are.

News January 29, 2023

Let it be. Pope Francis has said homosexuality is not a crime but a sin. Lgbtqi people, please dont try to convince the church it is not a sin. If you really want to remain in the catholic church, or any church for that matter, so insist on being exempt from religious "sin" then you are wasting your time. Cant we just hope that sin and law  continue to remain separate and unequal. Unless youre going to bring god into the discussion, then that might be something im willing to listen to.

Because inflation goes down the higher rent, higher interest rates, the higher costs of food, medicine, gas, dont retreat to their previous levels but will remain higher than before inflationary pressures.

Not only that, the federal government is implicit in its cooperation with landlord and owner associations, giving them stipends, funds, 

And economic support.

Three cop murders, israeli apartheid becomes even more fiolent, mass protests planned in us and currently in many countries including Atlanta, Memphis( tyree nichols), Haiti, Peru where us overthrow of elected officials and appointment of us national favorites. 

Our hands are always bloody even when they are empty.

For some reason, us officials and politicians cant put two and two together when it comes to its bloody involvement in domestic and international policies it either supports and/or instigates.

News December 2022

We are constantly being bombarded with the primitive religious driven oppression of women in foreign countries, mostly in the countries the US is not friendly with. It should only be a reminder of our own oppression of women by disregarding and ignoring the plight of working women, childrearing, and relational/domestic violence epidemic, not to mention the number of women and chilrden murdered by male relatives.

If russias invasion of ukraine is bidens example of a nation invading another without consequences being the epitome of the eventual downfall of civilization is another example of the us hubris and exceptionalism, forgetting we just recently left afghanistan after a twnety year invasion and have pretty much abandoned a floundering iraq after an invasion based on deceit, lies, and a manipulation of the un charter as well as other nations sovereignty.

Trump not indicted. 

We cannot accept any act of violence against women and children, whether it be state violence, such as in iran, religious such as in india, or individualistic such as happens in america. American media is directed to downplay sociological/ cultural significance of violence against women in america.

Sanctions are more likely to foster fascism than democracy.

The news. What you watch exposes what you don't see.

what you listen to what you don't hear.

ignore or dismiss. What you do chooses what you won't do or don't do

Sent from my iPad


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