We are all criminals. America deported over 500 so

We are all criminals. America deported over 500 so called ""criminals" the last couple of days. This is part of the new executive order to deport all criminals, which really means anyone undocumented is a criminal, regardless of whether or not they are otherwise law abiding.
This definition of "criminal" as meaning anything, which could be interpreted as thinking that supports anything illegal, such as abortion, could be considered "criminal". A similar belief that anti-israeli/zionist atrocities is anti-semitism and falls under all laws against discrimination.
Ironically, this is the emblem of the fascist who turn everything on its head, upsidedown.
Anytime Man makes exceptions to basic principles and creates an authority in order to establish definitions and enforce standards and differences, we begin to tread on dangerous ground.
We are all criminals, and imprison them, deport them, murder them but as Marcus Garvey says, "you cannot imprison the Minds of Men."
And that is where we are now. Dont imprison your mind. Those who won't be deported, protect and give solace to those who have committed no crimes, other than trying to live. The borders are in our mind, the limits are in our thinking, the future is only in our dreams.
Let's make revolution real.
America will get through trump, then past him, america will survive him, like its survived all of them, whether slavers, tyrannical despots or just weak, careless men, and will regain some equilibrium, but should it just return to what it was before 2016, or 2001?Or 1945. Or pick your poison?
If nothing else, the double election of trump over an eight-year span is a wakeup call to remind us "be careful of past glory and future promises."
Be like the migrant, immigrant, we are all immigrants to this life. Open your eyes to a new world, new opportunity, to build, to not just imagine but to REALIZE."
It's a slow process to emerge from the backward of all things we've been taught to rely on or ignore such as depending on the authority of immoral and deceptive men.
Yes, we need to ignore alot, let the good lawyers battle the bad ones, our problem is not legal but a communal one. We are isolated from not only each other, but from our own means of survival. We've allowed them to separate us from our work, making it meaningless if it is not profitable for them
We were all born from those who are criminals or from criminals before them.

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