The Nation State

As revolutionaries of the future and not the present, we do have to realize that it doesn't matter who "wins" in the zionist, iran, hezbollah, hamas, us, ukraine, russia, houthi battle between fascist, nationalist forces because no matter who wins, we will still lose. Support for any nationalist, religious theocracy is only a false peace.

In iran and many other nationalist revolutions, including america's own revolution, liberal, and, especially, progressive idealists have always been shoved under the bus.

The left has been left out in the cold. 

Lebanon is the current victim of zionism. To pretend that this is merely a "self-defense" is ignorant, it is the us/israel cleanup of terrorism as defined by 9/11 ideals. Do we need to remember the results of the last two american wars in the region? Iraq, under the auspices of corporate oil interests and afghanistan, taliban cultural, religious, and national restrictions still in effect since the 80's. Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, all under impotent military dictatorships, and in Egypt's case, the failure of arab spring revolutionary attempts.

Like 9/12 in america, Oct 8th in Israel, pro-nationalism on the march, the battlefront. We go from one battlefront to another. Watching LA burn and the blaming from left and right invokes my long history of irrevocable wars, dictators, irascible politicians. The only conclusion i've come to is this: The system does not work but not because the wrong people are running it but because WE, THE PEOPLE, walked around the fence someone said we shouldn't trespass, as voltaire aptly put. Or we bought the gun for self-defense and found the enemy is us, as Pogo once said.

I've been watching cowboy and indian stuff on tv during my leisure time these days , some gritty stuff but no longer sure if history or any truth has stuck around in new renditions. To believe WHITE, or BLACK and ALL the OTHERS is the problem rather than plain old GREED, AMBITION, INDIVIDUALISM, and a NATURAL VIOLENCE inside us isn't, is wrong thinking. By INDIVIDUALISM, I mean SELF_INTEREST rather than the social connectivity that got us througha few hundred thousand years.

Why we bought into institutional incarceration, acceptance of authoritarian power, a profit motivated worship of MONEY, along with tithing (acceptance) to principles like fear based in supremacy and hate. (The nation state).

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