Democracy in Action

If we're not going to have a type of democratic system where politicians actually represent their constituents and still have realistic differences with their politician brothers and sisters AND compromise and work out real solutions to real problems, then we need to go to an alternative.

The alignment of special populist interests against the wealthy interests that currently roam the halls of congress and state houses is necessary. Call these populist interests unions, lobbies, or any other name that represents their goals.

Tenant's unions, workers unions, medical/healthcare consumer unions

Their goals will be the issues that politicians neglect or believe that prior legislation whether current or past has adequately addressed citizen demands.

Recent DOJ lawsuit against RealPage shows real estate corporations are banding together to keep rental prices high during downturns and raising rates together so diminishing competition within the communty. Rents are based on what the market will stand and not on what condition houses and apartments are in.

City, county, and state governments listen to these corporate entities as experts so are complicit in the reality.

We weep over the Trail of Tears,

Injustice is what we scream. 

There's the Grapes of Wrath, the Jungle, the Octopus, the Death Ship

Injustice we scream,

Scenes of horror in gaza pass by us on the tv screen,

Homes and mosques and hospitals and schools turned into rubble,

An eye for an eye we scream.

Dachau, hiroshima, my lai, wounded knee, World War three,

Justified we scream

Deportation, migration, starvation, destitution

Freedom for america, charity for the poor of the world.

Torture in 1945 is no more justified than torture in 2024.

Forty thousand dead, the dead will rise up in the living,

A circle of war is complete. Go round and round, 

Israel creates the army of revenge 

Of children of martyrs they will come, grown in the belly of the beast.

Sent from my iPad


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