
Charles Bukowski 1

  Charles Bukowski 1 "All gnarled and bent like the exposed roots of a tree, gone now but forever free." Allred Black Most of us are a hell of a lot closer to being homeless than being millionaires and millionaires are a dime a dozen these days, so what does that tell you what we’re worth in dollars and sense. I feel like a backyard chicken spending my days pecking at bugs and every now and then pooping out an egg or two for my master, or nation, whatever you want to call it. I actually remember a conversation with my first real girlfriend and I asked her what she wanted to accomplish in her life and she said she wanted to be a millionaire and I said I wanted to be a doctor. That about sealed the deal on a forever kind of love even though she realized her goal while I floundered in the role of Sancho Panza. None of those windmills had MD on them, doctors don’t grow on trees but disillusioned men and unpretty women fly in the face of somebody else’s plans. All this was dur

Dead Men Tell No Tales

  You can talk all you want about the glories of war, but you have to go to Washington d.c. and look at the wall and cemeteries to see who died there and the price one has to pay. It’s true dead men tell no tales we need to keep, for those who sacrifice for the shame of artifice and lie we can only weep. Their woes are imprisoned in the unbeating hearts of other men who lived on without him, who gild this dirty history, like a secret society, sworn to never reveal what we already know, they glean their riches from young men’s dreams. And young women’s souls. All he ever wanted was to be a good, hard-working auto mechanic. To live out his simple dreams in the landscape of milk and honey. He could have done that in any country on earth, yet his call to duty was framed in a false glory of a made-up story, his martyrdom already guaranteed as he lay far away in the mud, in a valley of green, a bloody battlefield in a place he never would have imagined he’d be, had he lived and died

Capitalism part 2

  Capitalism part 2 Capitalism has an evolution just like the prophet motive. In fact they went, came, and are going hand in hand. When thomas more wrote utopia, he himself was both a believer in the authority of the church and a idealist supporter of communal prosperity and the working class. Mind you, he was conflicted as all intellectuals, no matter who or what ideal they represent, should be. Utopia thomas more published in 1516 Utopia coined from greek word meaning "no place". Also puns on greek word-eutopia, a happy or fortunate place. Utopia and dystopia, contradictory perfections.    Dystopia is a form of perfection whereby people function on a level that repetition and denial of reality seem to overwhelm any possibility of changing to a more efficient or improved social system less akin to a mouse on a wheel. Utopia on the other hand is an imagined system (since no utopias are currently functioning in this world of disorder and dysfu

Beware, Be Wary, Think


Capitalism and the prophet motive part 1

 Capitalism and the prophet motive part 1 The prophet motive. Capitalism usurped the work,   Religion captured the communal soul. The communal nature of the contribution of work and the social nature of humans was slowly bent and warped by the authoritarian personalities who atomized (individualized) and restructured the essence of communal living, which is the most natural form of human beings' social behavior. For the most part, the structure remains the same except, and it is a big exception, now all those who have power (authority) over us are totally made-up personages and figures, total authority based, not on respect and ability and desire to serve community, but reliant on the contrived legitimacy of enforced obedience from even more distant and disinterested authorities. Total Strangers, except for whatever knowledge they want us to have about them. I can use the catholic church as my example because im not an expert in the rise of capitalism or the p


Socialism Don't we know yet that power corrupts, absolutely corrupts. Social security. If there is anything that drives capitalists, even liberal capitalists crazy is a pool of money just sitting there in banks and not being used. Thats why since banks were invented, paying a small amount of interest provides all the incentive for the account holder to give power to the bank for every cent to invest, and loan out to others, at much higher interest than what the original account generates. Thats the base for capitalism. Since those early days of banks and loans, indebtedness is the main outcome for those of us at the bottom of the money food chain.   So, you can imagine when the government sponsors a major socialist program such as social security the capitalists are slobbering with envy and avarice. Note the slave labor of children, new york times and truthout. Very disappointing amy, juan, hannah drier, chen. Whose profiting? No questions about wages, no questions about

News Shorts- FISA

 News shorts Foreign intelligence surveillance act which was set to expire april 19 is extended to 2026. Section 702 allows the government to collect electronic communication of non americans located outside the country without a warrant (which we dont care about right?) however that sometimes results in collection of data on actual, real americans who may have accidenatally or unknowingly brushed up against some un/non american being surveilled. Now being the skeptic i be, im wondering why those countries which are having citizens being spied on by the us arent speaking up or dont care. So, for those who might consider the original FISA act disquieting and its extension in a similar light might be confused though by its bi partisan support but by donald trump's edict to " kill fisa". "What a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive." Sir walter scott. 1808 scotts play. Marmion: A Tale of Flodden Field Fisa passed, fastr